Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hookahs? What Is The Allure?

Any public hookah smoker knows the price you pay for smoking a waterpipe at Starbucks. While many restaurants and cafes are slowly coming around and allowing hookah smokers to smoke their hookahs on their porches and dining patios, one problem still exist. That problem is the few, the unintelligent, and the ignorant.
Sure, hookahs resemble devices used in the 1970's for marijuana consumption but they are by no means a "bong". Yet despite their artistic evolution, continual quality enhancements, and overall westernization, the inevitable ignoramus is bound to come up to the relaxing hookah smoker and say "Hey, I had one of those in college."
As amusing as the comment is the first time, then the second time, thereafter it becomes insulting rhetoric. Followed by the statement of the ignoramus, you are then inclined to express your innocence by declaring the hookah's sole purpose as being for tobacco use only. In fact, according to a survey conducted by my company, 99.7% of anonymous hookah smokers surveyed online stated they never use their hookah for anything other than smoking shisha (hookah tobacco).
After explaining such things to the self amusing hookah crasher, the question that always comes next is, "Your not smoking pot? Then what's the point? What does this shisha do to you?"
What's the point? When asked this question it is strongly advised that you refrain from your initial instinct of using your lighter or hookah hose aggressively and instead, reason with the uneducated creature.
Hookah smokers are a different smoking bread than what is commonly expected. The average hookah smoker generally prefers intellectual conversations and mild social scenes rather than the ever noise producing clubs. But don't think you are smoking among angels. Hookahs are also great additions to the night life. The allure of the hookah is its smooth smoke producing and social benefit. Aside from a stray ignoramus, most people that walk up to you while hookah smoking in public areas are generally compatible to your personality which is great for meeting new people.
Hookahs offer a small unseen private club much like that which is experienced by avid cigar smokers. As you show off your apparatuses in public, you will slowly attract a network of hookah smokers that can enhance your overall experience in owning a hookah. And that is the allure of hookah smoking.

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